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Synonyms (Similar words) समानार्थी शब्द

  Synonyms (Similar words) समानार्थी शब्द

abandon = relinquish, leave, give up, discard, forsake, desert,quit, cease from, get rid of, waive. सोडणे

abhor .... hate, detest, dislike

तिरस्कार करणे

abbreviate.... shorten, contract संक्षिप्त करणे

acme, summit, zenith


abundant ....ample, plentiful

खूप, विपूल

accumulate ....gather, hoard

जमा करणे

accurate ....exact, precise


amiable.... loving, charming

प्रेमळ, गोड

afraid.. ... frightened, scared


aloof..... detached, reserved


affliction..... distress, sorrow, calamity, disaster

दुःख, आपत्ती

ancient .......antique, old


anger.... fury, rage


object ....miserable, pitiful, appalling, contempltible


abscond..... flee, run away

पोबारा करणे

abstain .....avoid, refrain

टाळणे, pointed, severe, piercing

तीक्ष्ण, धारदार

adhere.... stick to, cohere


affinity.... foundness, liking, inclination, empathy


affluent abundant, wealthy


allegory .....parable, myth

रूपक कथा

ambiguous.... uncertain, ambivalent, enigmatic


anarchy..... chaos, mobocracy, disorder


ascend.... to rise, climb, mount, soar

वर जाणे

attest.... to testify, confirm, verify

सत्यता सिद्ध करणे

august....dignified, prestigious, esteemed


avarice ...greed लोभ

bare ...naked उघडा 

boisterous.... noisy, stormy


beneficient ....generous, kindly दयाळू 

brevity ....shortness, conciseness संक्षिप्तता

brutal.... savage, cruel पाशवी

ban ....forbid, outlaw, prohibit, debar मनाई करणे

breach...rift, violation, contravention, infringement वचनभंग, विनयभंग, फूट

cite mention, quote दाखला देणे

caricature ...parody विडंबना

cajole ...flatter, coax, wheedle..खुशामत करणे

comprehend ...understand, grasp..आकलन करणे / होणे

contemptuous... scornful, disdainful..तिरस्कार युक्त

damage ...injury, harm, loss..नुकसान

deplore... regret, lament..दुःख व्यक्त करणे

dearth ...scarcity, shortage, want, abundance, surfeit, lack


daunt ...discourage, deter, dishearten

नाऊमेद करणे

destiny... fate, luckदैव

dissipate.... scatter, evaporate, squander, spread, disperse, fan out..पसरणे

emotion = feeling, sentiment भावना

effort ...exertion, struggle परिश्रम

■ empathy ... sympathy, compassion सहानुभूती

 emulate.... copy, imitate, reproduce, mimic...नक्कल करणे

feign... pretend, falsely, bluff..सोंग घेणे

farcical ...laughable हास्यास्पद

 foreigner = alien, immigrant परदेशी

follow = chase, pursue ..पाठलाग करणे 

ferocious... fierce, savage.. भयंकर

 fraud... deceit, trickery... फसवणूक 

 gigantic... huge, colossal प्रचंड 

ghost spirit, spook, spectre... भूत

 happiness bliss, joy, gladness....सुख

 help aid, relief.... मदत

hazardous ...dangerous, perilous  धोकादायक

 homogeneous = similar, uniform ..एकजिनसी

 include comprise, containसमाविष्ट असणे

 joy ...delight, pleasure.... आनंद

keen eager, anxious, curious उस्तूक

 lament = grieve, mourn..शोक 

 law... rule, code, canon नियम, कायदा

 mad insane, lunatic...वेडा

magnanimous large hearted, generous  मोठ्या मनाचा

malady... illness, ailment, disease... रोग 

 melancholy... gloomy, sad दुखी

 mock ridicule, jeer.... कुचेस्ता

naive.. artless, innocent..निष्पाप 

notorious infamous, ill famed कुविख्यात 

 novel new, unusual अपूर्व 

 obdurate... stubborn, obstinate...  हटवादी 

 obscene.. dirty, filthy, indecent घानरेडा 

 pardon ..forgive, excuse, condone माफ करणे 

 pious ....holy, sacred......पवित्र

 position-...rank, status, grade दर्जा 

 predict ....foretell, forecast, augur वर्तवणे

 prodigal.... extravagant, wasteful, improvident  उधळ्या 

 quick, rapid त्वरित

 quell .....supress, subdue  शमवणे

radiant.... bright, brilliant तेजस्वी

rebuke ...scold, reprimand, reprove खडसावणे

rebellion.... revolt, muting उठाव

remorse... regret, repentance...पश्चाताप

rot ...decay, decompose कुजणे

scoundrel ... knave, rougue, rascal बदमाष

scanty.... meagre, slender अल्प

shore.... beach, coast .किनारा

sordid.... mean, dirty.....शुद्र

splendid.... grand, magnificient  भव्य

sterile..... barren, infertile नापीक, वांझ

tame.... submissive, gentle, mild सौम्य

thin ....slender, slim सडपातळ

thankful.... obliged, grateful कृतज्ञ

thrive.... flourish, prosper  भरभराट होणे

tyranny.... autocracy, desposition हुकुमशाही

unique.... unmatched, advantegous उपयोगी

vindicate.... justify, defend समर्थन करणे

vulgar.... coarse, crude  असभ्य

wreck.... ruin, destroyनाश करणे

wretched ...miserable, unfortunate..दुर्दैवी

yield.... submit, surrender, produce

शरण जाणे, उत्पन्न मिळणे

yoke... bondage....जोखड

zenith ...summit, top शिखर

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